Tag: Saint Petersburg

Crouching Boy Close Up

Barely more than an arm’s length away, Michelangelo’s Crouching Boy rests behind ropes in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini.

Appreciating Michelangelo’s Work at the Hermitage Of the many things to appreciate about St. Petersburg’s Hermitage—in addition to the vastness and quality of its art collection—is the opportunity to experience so much of it up close and in a luxurious…

The Matisse Dance: Practice/Perfection

A portion of Henri Matisse's Dance at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The work was a study for the final version, which is at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

The Dance of Matisse in New York and Russia     Henri Matisse’s Dance works appear in practice form in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and in their final version in its Hermitage in Saint Petersburg,…

Remembering the Romanovs in Russia

Maria and Anastasia Romanov's remains are now in a church at Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

A Reading of Helen Rappaport’s Romanov Sisters The story of some sisters burdened with a bit of a wackadoodle mother and an autocratic father appeals to many of us, even if we do know the ending, as in the case…

Looking for the Revolution in Russia

statue in Russia

November 7 is Something of a Big Day The New York Times in 1917 reported that on November 7, “the Bolsheviki” had seized government buildings in what was then called Petrograd; in the same day’s paper, November 8, the Times…

Carnegie Culture

Carnegie Hall in Manhattan. Photo credit: A. Ciavardini

The Brawny Sherpa and I bring along a couple of our youthful adventurers for some cultural acclimation. I don’t know what I think I will experience at Carnegie Hall, but traipsing up the flights of stairs to our upper balcony…

Christ of Many Colors

Jesus at the Church of the Spilt Blood in St. Petersburg, Russia Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

On this Palm Sunday, marvel at the varied images of Jesus depicted in churches and other places around the world. Sometimes he is a baby with the face of someone far more mature, sometimes he is an adult, sometimes with…

Fabergé at the Bellagio

Fabergé revealed

A Vegas Visit to the Jeweled Russian Eggs   Standing in line at the Kremlin waiting to buy tickets to see the Fabergé eggs a few years ago, I am surprised that more isn’t made of these. I chalk it…

Welcome to St. Petersburg!

Need an eye-opener after a long night’s flight from JFK to St. Petersburg? Just look out the window as you head into the city. I have a “was that what I think it was?” reaction as I head to our…

Moscow Now

Any number of people, knowing that I’ve visited Russia, say to me, “I’d never go there now.” I can’t help but think, why not? Well, there’s that crisis in Ukraine, of course. Yet most people I know wouldn’t be heading…