Tag: Sleepy Hollow

Where to Brush by the Revolution

I haven’t visited any places specifically to learn about the War of Independence, but I have stumbled upon little reminders at a few places. Seeing little bits of the past brings history alive for me. I know I learned about…

Cruising Cemeteries around the Globe

Grave marker of Anastasia Romanov at Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

Touring Graveyards for History and Understanding I suppose if you are bashful, a cemetery is a great place to visit given that no one is likely to talk to you much. I like cemeteries for the opportunities they provide to…

Ghostly Fiction in Sleepy Hollow

Nothing becomes October better than the Old Dutch Church in Sleepy Hollow, N.Y. Even if you can’t make a performance of story teller Jonathan Kruk as he brings Washington Irving’s Legend of Sleepy Hollow alive, a walk through the graveyard…

Are Historical Sites Honest about Slavery?

The global tumult of the last week—the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and global unrest stemming, allegedly, from disgust with a video about Muslims made by a film maker in the United States—makes the celebration of the U.S.…