Looking for a book full of charms, a story with a bit of romance and a dose of magical realism, a novel with a setting most desirable—Positano, Italy—and characters in a healthful range of ages? Then pick up One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle.
Author: Lori Tripoli
Napoleon’s Tomb: A Rehabilitation after Losing
Ridley Scott’s Napoleon movie inspires some musings on Napoleon’s final, final resting place in a tomb in a museum in Paris.
Looking for Books Set in Key West? Try Island Life Sentence by Carrie Jo Howe
Looking for a book set in Key West, the Bashful Adventurer stumbles upon Island Life Sentence by Carrie Jo Howe. But will the book be as a good as a getaway to the Florida Keys?
Best Restaurants in Key West – Latitudes on Sunset Key
Everyone and anyone who is remotely a foodie and who has been to the best restaurants in Key West in recent history keeps mentioning Latitudes on Sunset Key, so much so that we begin to feel like jerks for not going there. How can you go to Key West and not go to Latitudes?!
Sky Lagoon vs. Blue Lagoon
Swimming outdoors in winter in Iceland never felt so good.
Before the Restoration of The Last Supper Painting
One of Leonardi da Vinci’s most famous works was disappearing 30 years go. How the restoration of the Last Supper painting has transformed its viewing experience.
Considering the Incan Trinity: Condor, Puma, Snake
Traveling in Peru, the Bashful Adventurer notices recurring symbols of a condor, puma, and snake. But what is the meaning of this Incan trinity?