The Bashful Adventurer, ever the philatelist and a retro letter writer, happens upon the Ochopee post office, the smallest post office in the United States. Welcome to Ochopee, FL 34141.
Category: Post Offices
Postcard Memories
Keep in Touch and Remember Your Trips with Postcards I picked up my postcard-sending habit from a friend who taught me the importance of staying in touch with lots of people in your life, those from the past as well as those from your current existence. Letters are too long, emails are electronically aloof, postcards…
Grand Central Secrets
What to Look for in the Manhattan Train Station To visit New York City’s Grand Central Station with the eyes of a tourist, rather than the blinders of a daily commuter, look for what is memorable. Of course, we’ve all made arrangements to meet at that Grand Central clock at some point in time, but…
Postmarked Hyannis
Post Office Tourism in the Land of Kennedy Remember the days when post offices had unique designs? When they weren’t generically and homogeneously crafted buildings designed, if only aspirationally, for some sort of efficiency? Remember when going to the post office and buying a stamp and sending a letter was fun? When the entire event…