Dining at Brasserie Le Bouchon

Photo credit: M. Ciavardini
I don’t know how many times the Brawny Sherpa and I walk past Brasserie Le Bouchon in Cold Spring, N.Y. Hey, it’s French, it could be good, it could be full of butter, meh, let’s keep going. It’s a friend who insists we go there, says it’s fantastic, try it, try it. When did I become ambivalent about French food? Certainly not while in France! But I’ve always probably tilted more toward French pastry than to actual meals.
On a sunny afternoon, the Brawny Sherpa and I ascend the stairs, peak into the dining room, and decide to dine on the porch where we can enjoy some white wine and people watch. The visit is worth the bread and oil fragranced with pepper and herbs. It gets better for both of us as I move on to chilled carrot soup and a cheese plate (always falling off the vegan wagon whenever fromage is involved), and finishing with peach melba.

Photo credit: M. Ciavardini
The staff is friendly, other patrons are friendly, and the passers-by we try to persuade to come on up are friendly. We have a delightful lunch before moving on to antiquing on Main Street in Cold Spring.
Brasserie Le Bouchon, 76 Main Street, Cold Spring, N.Y. 10516
—Lori Tripoli
Note from the Brawny Sherpa: Went to Brasserie Le Bouchon in Cold Spring. a friend recommended it, and wow. Had the French dip sandwich—a must. Food was excellent.

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