What Did Jesus Eat?

Almost as interesting as observing how Jesus Christ is depicted in art (some places, he’s a white guy who looks a bit like a hippie; sometimes he is a Viking; sometimes he is shorter and a person of color) is seeing what exactly he ate during the Last Supper, at least as visualized by artists. It is interesting how often the food items on the table seem deliberately blurry or unidentifiable.
Sometimes, a bit of syncretism sinks in, as in the image of the Last Supper featuring guinea pig found in Cusco Cathedral. Guinea pig is something of a staple on menus in Peru.
In Our Lady of Guadalupe at Saint Bernard Church, a house of worship on West 14 Street in Manhattan, the Last Supper seems to consist of baked potatoes, giving, to me, a distinctly European flare to what was actually a meal in the Middle East. But maybe other visitors see something different. Some see potatoes,some see dinner rolls. Neither seems like an historically accurate portrayal.
Our Lady of Guadalupe at Saint Bernard, 328 West 14 Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues, New York, N.Y. 10014
—Lori Tripoli

Interested in what was on the menu at the Last Supper and what Jesus looked like? You might like these posts:
- Christ of Many Colors
- Nordic Jesus
- Some Last Suppers in Italy
- What Did Shepherds Like to Eat?
- What Did the 12 Apostles Eat?
- A Menu for Book Club if You Are Reading about Biblical Times