Post Office Tourism in the Land of Kennedy

Remember the days when post offices had unique designs? When they weren’t generically and homogeneously crafted buildings designed, if only aspirationally, for some sort of efficiency? Remember when going to the post office and buying a stamp and sending a letter was fun? When the entire event did not involve any eye-rolling at all about how long the wait was, about how slow-moving the clerk, about how uniforms today seem to be barely above the level of workout gear?

I remember those days, so I enjoy finding the post office in Hyannis, Mass., one that still has wooden doors and high ceilings. It is conveniently located near the John F. Kennedy Museum
Stop by. Get a stamp. Send a postcard.
Hyannis Post Office, 385 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601
JFK Museum, 397 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02664
—Lori Tripoli


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