Photo credit: M. Ciavardini
Chalk up on my list of belated discoveries the Inn on Broadway and its accompanying restaurant, Tournedos. The inn, the former home of the University Club of Rochester, was built in 1929 and is now a boutique-style hotel.

Photo credit: M. Ciavardini
A short walk from the hotel we are staying in, the Inn looks deliciously romantic. Tournedos, despite its focus on meat, does side dishes well, making it the perfect place for the Brawny Sherpa—always in pursuit of a good steakhouse—and me, ever after good veggies. Martinis, steak, veggies, romance—what’s not to like?

Photo credit: M. Ciavardini
Our only wish was that we’d known of this place beforehand so we could have stayed over, too.
—Lori Tripoli
Planning a visit to Rochester, N.Y.? Consider these posts: