Category: Adventuring

In Favor of Small Hotels

I can’t imagine a better way to introduce the Youthful Adventurer to Europe than landing at Marco Polo airport in Venice, taking a water bus to Piazza San Marco as dusk descends, and then walking the narrow streets to tiny…

Mixing Pleasure with Business

Given my vocation—writing about the environment and law—it’s virtually impossible for me to silo work and play. Most often, they are one and the same, which is the way I want my life to be. I am sometimes surprised by…

Cruise Ships: Where Smaller Is Better

Disembarking from a small ship is quick and easy. Photo credit: L. Tripoli.

Cruising always promised glamour and excitement for me. My grandmother, tired of being married and with an empty nest, ran away, not to join the circus, but to sign on with a cruise line. I have yellowed postcards from her…

Never Be the Slow Zebra

Kicker Rock in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Photo credit: L. Tripoli

The Youthful Adventurer and I were snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands when we saw the shark. He kept swimming; we kept swimming. It was exciting to see one and good that he was a distance from us and that the…

Getting Going

I drove solo six or so hours to my high school reunion last summer and was surprised when I got there when one of my classmates said, “I would never have made that drive alone.” I remember thinking, Why not?…