Category: Hotels

Hitting the Hotel Oro Verde

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Passing through Guayaquil on the Way to Galapagos On a press trip to the Galapagos Islands, the Youthful Adventurer and I stay briefly, before and after our island adventure, at the Hotel Oro Verde in Guayaquil. As we really are…

Hyannis Holiday Convenience

Murals, art, water, Hyannis. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

A Road Trip to Cape Cod On a road trip to Hyannis, Mass., we almost pass our motel by —despite admonitions from our global positioning system—because it looks just a bit like a car dealership. We know we are in…

Parking, Central, Hotel, Naples

Shopping and boat rides are available in nearby Tin City, a short walk from the Naples Park Central Hotel. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

Where to Stay for the Convenience On a quick trip to the west coast of Florida for a family wedding, the Brawny Sherpa and I need someplace convenient to stay. For us, that means a hotel with parking that is…

Staying in Rome near the Spanish Steps

A moonlit view just steps from the entrance of the Hotel Scalinata di Spagna Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

Could You Get Any Closer than the Scalinata di Spagna? With less than 24 hours to spend in Rome, the Brawny Sherpa and I would need to be strategic in selecting a hotel so that we could see those last…

10 Good Things about Holiday Inn Express Rome

Holiday Inn Express Rome–San Giovanni Photo credit: Michael Ciavardini

Have you been in a Holiday Inn lately? I had not, but find myself staying in Holiday Inn Express Rome–San Giovanni (not far outside the walls of the old city) as part of a package that mostly involves incredibly low…

The Working Hilton

The Washington Hilton is ideally situated, by would the service be as good as its location? Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

Knowing how sizeable the Washington Hilton is, how it is a lure both for tourists and business folk, I am reticent to stay there. Yes, it is ideally situated just north of Dupont Circle on Connecticut Avenue, perfect for getting…

Disco D.C.

The bright lights of a changed city at the former Hotel Washington in the District of Columbia Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

That Vegas Feeling in Washington’s Grand Dames Has anyone ever gone to the nation’s capital to experience the glitz? D.C. tends to be a staid and educational or work-related travel destination, one where a little history, a brush with power,…

A Flatiron Fling

flatiron building

A Quick Stay in the East 20s at Fifth Avenue, Manhattan The problem with living near New York City is the same as the problem with living in New York City: One tends to limit oneself to a particular neighborhood,…