Category: United States

Gulf Getaway: Oasis in Condo-Land

Never super-keen on the Gulf coast of Florida for no particularly discernible reasons except Miami, Palm Beach, and Amelia Island, I headed there for a quick stay on Marco Island with the Brawny Sherpa before pointing north to a family…

Bubbling Good Times on Captiva Island

On a trip to the west coast of Florida, the Brawny Sherpa and I are staying on Sanibel Island when we decide to take a little road trip to nearby Captiva. This is the most basic of vacations featuring beaches,…

Logging Some Romance

I’m not sure why rooms with a fireplace are so attractive to me since I have a fireplace at home, but I’m quick to click “buy now” whenever a hotel features a bit of flame. Fireplaces are so romantic that…

Saving Lily Bart in San Francisco?

Watching Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine on DVD, I am once again, and surprisingly so, drawn to San Francisco. An unlikely tourism vehicle, the film focuses on a selfish and largely unlikeable society woman played by Cate Blanchett who married up…

Losing My Veganity in Key West

As a vegan, I’ve ordered omelets hold the eggs (because otherwise I tend to get steamed vegetables for breakfast when I actually want fried ones), had many a B.L.T. and asked to hold the bacon and the mayo, and requested…

The Duval Crawl

Standing at the corner of South and Duval Streets in Key West, the Brawny Sherpa and I are tempted first by the Southernmost on the Beach Cafe, which is an easy commute from our room at the little La Mer…

We Brake for Giant Lobsters

Traveling on U.S. 1 and desperately trying to spot mile markers, which seem to have shrunk over time, the Brawny Sherpa and I are in no particular hurry to land on Key West. If we see a curiosity, we’ll stop…