144 search results for "street art"

Puparazzi in Pursuit

Paparazzi Dogs in Greenwich Village, New York City. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

New York City Street Art Makes the Viewer its Focus Sculptures of photographers doggedly pursuing their subject—so much so that they have developed snouts and floppy ears—are positioned at the intersection of West Eighth Street, Avenue of the Americas, and…

Cruising Killarney

If you can, leave the rental car in the parking lot when visiting Killarney. It is a very walkable town. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

A Walkable Way to Understand Ireland It takes a while for us to figure out that the way to enjoy Ireland is to wander it. Set out with a destination in mind, sure, but allow time to meander when you…

Manhattan Blue Man

You never know when you'll come across the blue man. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

Sculpture on the City Streets Some days, I think I see Batman everywhere. Some days, I just see the man in blue. It’s not always Batman. This blue man, at Sixth Avenue and West 53rd Street in Manhattan, is called…

Destinations Worth a Second Look

Looking out at the world from Machu Picchu, Peru Photo credit: M. Ciavardini

Deciding on Places to Visit in the Coming Year ’Tis the season for reflection. Here are some destinations worth considering in the coming year—along with some different ways to contemplate them. United States: Where We Should All Be on July…

Le Penseur Two Ways

Street art in New York City's Little Italy: A version of Auguste Rodin's Le Penseur with a contemporary twist Photo credit: M. Ciaardini

In New York or Paris, Rodin’s Sculpture Charms What sculpture might be as well-known as the Statue of Liberty? Could it be Auguste Rodin’s Le Penseur (The Thinker), accessible at the Musée Rodin in Paris and, with a contemporary twist…

Throwback Thursday: Light Metal/Berlin

Watching people dressed in old-fashioned clothing and doused in silver paint trying to stand still is not a reason to visit Berlin, but the sight is very entertaining once you get there. —Lori Tripoli ~Advertisement~   ~Advertisement~     Planning…

Not Shopping

My riffs on street art and graffiti in Germany, Italy, New York City, Mexico, Ecuador, and Russia are not meant to be exhaustive catalogs of either street art or graffiti in any of these places. Instead, they are meant as…