Tag: bashful adventurer

Hoofing It

Hoofing it: Get to know a city by walking it.

Get to Know a City by Walking It The best way to learn a city, see its inhabitants, and begin to understand a place is by walking it. Catching a cab, taking a bus, hopping on a subway are all…

Reading Sonia Choquette’s Waking Up in Paris

Wake up in Paris with intuitive Sonia Choquette's new book

A Life-Changing Escape to the City of Lights Long a fan of both Paris and intuitive/psychic Sonia Choquette (to the point where I actually attended a day-long session she gave years ago at the New York Open Center), there was…

Paris in Four Days

Paris in Four Days: The Bashful Adventurer takes a whirlwind trip to Paris. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini.

How to Thrive in a Whirlwind Trip to the City of Lights Getting all of the Youthful Adventurers together for a family trip is increasingly challenging given their hectic schedules, so we decide to make our journey to France a…

An Overnight at Innside by Meliá

The Bashful Adventurer in Manhattan: Innside by Meliá New York Nomad is a hip but affordable hotel in New York City's Chelsea section. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini.

With the vast selection of hotels in New York City, why choose Innside by With the vast selection of hotels in New York City, why choose Innside by Meliá New York Nomad? The Bashful Adventurer finds some good reasons.

To Iceland to See

People ask what I did on my short trip to Iceland and, in retrospect, it seems not much. I soaked in geothermal pools, watched a meteor shower in the darkness, saw some of the countryside and a bit of Reykjavik.…

Escape to Bear Mountain

The Bear Mountain Inn in Rockland County, N.Y. was intended to be "the handsomest playground in the world" when it opened in 1915. Photo credit: M. Ciavardini.

Loving the Bear Mountain Inn, But ….   A great getaway for those living in New York City and thereabouts is the Bear Mountain Inn and all it has to offer—hiking and sports for the athletically inclined, a zoo and a…